Move deleted messages (in webmail) to the trash folder

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Aim : Move deleted messages (in webmail) to the trash folder, instead of leaving them (or marking
deleted) in the inbox.

Modify the "value" from 0 to 1 in the pref.php code. The location of the pref.php differs in the control panel.

Cpanel : /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/config/prefs.php (most probably)

Plesk : /etc/psa-horde/horde/prefs.php (Differs according to the setting)
// moving messages to a trash folder instead of just marking
// them as deleted?
// a value of 0 = no, 1 = yes
$_prefs['use_trash'] = array(
'value' => 1,
'locked' => false,
'shared' => false,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'desc' => _("When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of marking them as deleted?")

Note: If this is not present add the above code in the prefs.php to fix this issue. Be careful in handling this, this is serverwide horde setting. Do backup of the file, before editing it.

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