Cpanel error occurred while adding email account

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Issue: If you are trying to add the email account using the cpanel (or using /scripts/addpop) , the following error will occur:
error: flock timeout at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 37.
SafeFile::__ANON__('ALRM') called at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 40
eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 39
SafeFile::safeopen('GLOB(0x8395ce4)', '<', '/var/cpanel/cpanel.config') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/cPanelFunctions.pm line 1708
Cpanel::cPanelFunctions::loadConfig('/var/cpanel/cpanel.config', 'HASH(0x82f7f88)') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/cPanelFunctions.pm line 1232

Check the ownership of the .contactemail and do the following to the fix the issue:
chown root:root /home/username/.contactemail

If you see any incorrect group or user in the home directory, do the following also:
cd /home/username
chown -R username .
chown root:root .contactemail .bash_logout .bashrc .bash_profile
find ./ -group AnothergroupName > abc.txt (or find /home/username/ -group AnothergroupName > abc.txt)
for i in `cat abc.txt`; do chown username:username $i; done

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