Gallery admin login issue

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Do the following steps to reset the admin login details of the Gallery.
1. Create a file named resetadmin in your /gallery/setup directory.

2. Visit the configuration wizard in your browser

3. Follow the instructions on the page

4. Specify a new password in step 2 of the configuration wizard

The Configuration Wizard will give you a special piece of information, and you will be required to edit the resetadmin file, add the string, save, and refresh your browser. This is a security measure to prove that you are an administrator. The configuration wizard can be obtained using domainname/path_to_gallery/setup/.

Note: During the process you have to chmod .htaccess and config.php in the Gallery to 777. Please change it to 644 after the use)

You can access the Gallery admin page using the username 'admin' and the corresponding entered password .

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