How to Change the "Welcome to Horde" message at the login page to "Welcome to domainName"

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This can be done in the file imp/login.php in the horde. The path will be different. In cpanel it
is /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/login.php, like that the path veriies according to the horde

Replace the
$title = sprintf(_("Welcome to %s"), $registry->get('name', ($imp_auth) ? 'horde' : null));

$domain = substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 8);
$title = sprintf(_("Welcome to %s"), $registry->get('name', ($imp_auth) ? 'horde' : null) . " - "
. $domain);

This will change it to "Welcome to domainName". The domainName will be replaced by corresponding
domain name.

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