Cpanel error occurred while adding email account

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Issue: If you are trying to add the email account using the cpanel (or using /scripts/addpop) , the following error will occur:
error: flock timeout at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 37.
SafeFile::__ANON__('ALRM') called at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 40
eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 39
SafeFile::safeopen('GLOB(0x8395ce4)', '<', '/var/cpanel/cpanel.config') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/cPanelFunctions.pm line 1708
Cpanel::cPanelFunctions::loadConfig('/var/cpanel/cpanel.config', 'HASH(0x82f7f88)') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/cPanelFunctions.pm line 1232

Check the ownership of the .contactemail and do the following to the fix the issue:
chown root:root /home/username/.contactemail

If you see any incorrect group or user in the home directory, do the following also:
cd /home/username
chown -R username .
chown root:root .contactemail .bash_logout .bashrc .bash_profile
find ./ -group AnothergroupName > abc.txt (or find /home/username/ -group AnothergroupName > abc.txt)
for i in `cat abc.txt`; do chown username:username $i; done


Unable login into the domain stats - Plesk

Search for the following entry in the /var/www/vhosts/domainName/conf/httpd.include: (/var/www/vhosts/domainName/conf/httpd.include is actually HTTPD_VHOSTS_D/domainName/conf/httpd.include):

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Domain statistics"
AuthUserFile /var/www/vhosts/domainName/pd/d..httpdocs@plesk-stat
require valid-user

Create the encrypted password using the (htpasswd generator):
(ex. testUser:pTn5ZCQSqwOxc)

OR You can Also generate the encrypted password using the "htpasswd" command:
htpasswd -bdc
(eg. htpasswd -bdc testfile testUser testPass
Adding password for user testabc
# cat testfile

Append the obtained entry to the AuthUserFile (Here it is /var/www/vhosts/domainName/pd/d..httpdocs@plesk-stat).
cat >> /var/www/vhosts/domainName/pd/d..httpdocs@plesk-stat


Unable to update main FTP account password

Unable to update the main (default) FTP account password via control panel. The following error o
Attempting to modify nonexistent username
Couldn't delete previous ProFTPd user config file.

The issue is occurring due to the absence of password entry in the passwd.vhosts file.
#cd /etc/proftpd/
Server:/etc/proftpd#grep userName: passwd.vhosts

This shows that password entry is missing in the /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts. Add the coresponding
entry from /etc/proftpd/userName.

The entry can be found from /etc/proftpd/userName
Server:/etc/proftpd#grep userName: userName
(example:- userName:$1$MAwZd0to$A8U6GQNGwkC0c7DA0P/7..:1697:1697:domainName:/home/userName:/nonexistent)

Add the above entry in /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts
Server:/etc/proftpd#cat >> passwd.vhosts


Error in Horde(Webmail)

While trying to browse webmail using webmail.domainname.com it shows following error:
Warning: main(PEAR.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\I
netpub\vhosts\webmail\horde\lib\core.php on line 26

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'PEAR.php' for inclusion (include_path='D:\Ine

;.;./includes;./pear') in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\webmail\horde\lib\core.php on line 26

Open core.php file of horde: C:\Inetpub\vhosts\webmail\horde\lib\webmail\horde\lib\core.php

change this:
ini_set('include_path', dirname(__FILE__) . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));

ini_set('include_path', 'C:/Inetpub/vhosts/webmail/horde/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'C:/Inetpub/vhosts/webmail' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'C:/Inetpub/vhosts/webmail/horde/pear' .PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));


Unable to upload images to phpBB posts

The issue is mainly occurring due to the absence of some code. To fix this issue, do the following:

"cd" into the corresponding directory of phpBB.

Create a file "addform.html" with the following content:

Change the ownerwship of the file according to the need (ie. cpanel -> username:nobody).

Take a backup of the file "includes/template.php"

In the 265 line of ./includes/template.php you can fine the following code:
$str = implode("", @file($filename));

if (empty($str))

die("Template->loadfile(): File $filename for handle $handle is empty");

Add the following code below it:
if(basename($filename) === 'posting_body.tpl')


$str = str_replace('', '
Add image to post', $str);


This will add the image upload facility in the phpBB posts.


The password changing option in horde webmail is not working

When a user uses the "Password" button/icon in webmail, it shows them just the first part of thei
r username instead of the full emailid@domainName address as their username. So, changing their p
assword doesn't work.

Edit the file /etc/psa-horde/passwd/conf.php. This path /etc/psa-horde will change according to t
he plesk horde setting.

Find the line that says:
$conf['hooks']['default_username'] = false;

Modfiy the code line to
$conf['hooks']['default_username'] = true;

Now, create a new file hooks.php

like /etc/psa-horde/horde/hooks.php (the path /etc/psa-horde will change according to the situati

In this file, paste the following:
* Horde Hooks configuration file.

if (!function_exists('_passwd_hook_default_username')) {
function _passwd_hook_default_username($userid)
return $userid;

Most probably, you can find the file hook.php in the corresponding path with the above code comme
nted. Uncomment the line.

Now users can use the Password button in Webmail, and it will work correctly.


Code for obtaining ASPX (ASP.NET) variables value

You can use the following code for obtaining the value of the ASPX variables.
<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/html" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" ValidateRequest="fal
se" %>

Testing ASP.NET Page


ASP - MySQL Connector/ODBC

' Test mySQL connection
' This test can be used on .NET 1.1 and 2.0
' This test uses the MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51
' Testing only the connection to the database

'Dim the variables
Dim sConnection, objConn, database, username, password

database = ""
username = ""
password = ""

'create the connection object
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

'connection string
sConnection = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE="+ database +"; UID="+
username +";PASSWORD="+ password +"; OPTION=3"

'open the connection

'this is where you would see the code to do stuff with the database

'close the connection and kill the object
Set objConn = Nothing

mySQL Connection

Test MySQL Connection
If you do not see any errors then the connection was successful


PhpBB Visual confirmation problem

If it is enabled then check the file phpBB/templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl

You can view the content using browser, for that:
cp templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.html
chown user:user templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.html

Add the following in templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.html.


Access the file via browser: http://domainName/phpBB/templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.html

Also make sure that the file templates/subSilver/profile_add_body.tpl is in the format:



(ie. BEGIN should be folowed by corresponding END)


Test upload script using perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Perl Upload

# use lib
use strict;
use CGI::Pretty;

# limit 1000K bytes post, permit upload
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 1000;

# init variables
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $title = "Perl Upload";

if (!$cgi->param()) {

# print header
print $cgi->header(),

print $cgi->center($cgi->h1($title)),
# print body
print $cgi->center
$cgi->font("Filename :"),
$cgi->filefield(-name=>"filename", -size=>"30"),


} else {

# get file data
my $file = $cgi->param("filename");
my @filedata = <$file>;
foreach (@filedata) {
s/ s/>/>/g;

# print header
print $cgi->header(),

print $cgi->center($cgi->h1($title)),

# print body
print $cgi->h3("$file :




Cpanel "Mail Account Maintenance" section: mail account listing

The email accounts are listed, according to the entry in the /home/username/etc/domainName/passwd. The corresponding entry for the email account will not be present in it (/home/username/etc/domainName/passwd).

Before adding the entry, check whether the encrypted password in /home/username/etc/domainName/shadow

You need to add the entry in the /home/username/etc/domainName/passwd like: emailaccount:x:34115:34115::/home/username/mail/domainName/emailaccount:/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell

The entry "34115:34115" can be obtained from the :
id username

Note: Replace the username, domainName, emailaccount by the corresponding values.


How to remove the advetisement option in the Plesk Top Bar

To remove the advertisement option from the Plesk, you need to edit the css\top\custom.css file.
For the Windows:
C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\htdocs\skins\{SKINNAAM}\css\top\custom.css
For Linux Plesk :

Comment the "topTxtBanner" in that file. After modification it will look like:
#topTxtBanner {
display: -moz-inline-box;
display: inline-block;
border-left: 1px solid #dce7ff;
background-image: url('../../images/vz_top.gif');
background-position: 9px 3px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 36px;
padding-right: 7px;
text-align: left;
display: none; /** add this line **/

#topTxtBanner a {
display: block;
display: none; /** add this line **/
white-space: nowrap;

Note: Replace the {SKINNAAM} by corresponding skin name.


Reject Invalid Email

This will be helpful in rejectig the invalid email id's in the server.

1. Take a backup of the /etc/exim.conf

2. vi /etc/exim.conf

3. Look for something like the following.
accept domains = +local_domains
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
accept condition = ${perl{checkrelayhost}{$sender_host_address}}

accept domains = +local_domains

accept domains = +relay_domains

add the following:
message = unknown user
verify = recipient

The final section will look like this:
accept domains = +local_domains
message = unknown user
verify = recipient
accept domains = +relay_domains
accept hosts = +relay_hosts
accept condition = ${perl{checkrelayhost}{$sender_host_address}}

Save the modified file and restart the exim service.


Cpanel horde - Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error
Unable to open engine binary (php) at cpsrvd-ssl.pl line 4971
main::phpHandler() called at cpsrvd-ssl.pl line 3697
main::dodoc_webmaild() called at cpsrvd-ssl.pl line 674
main::dodoc() called at cpsrvd-ssl.pl line 576


To fix this issue do the following: Edit the file /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-horde


After this modification, run the script

Check whether the horde database is connecting properly using the configuration file (/usr/local/
cpanel/base/horde/config/conf.php). If it is not connecting then do " /scripts/fullhordereset " O
R grant privilege on the horde database to horde user according to /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/c


Php Upload script

This script is 2 separate php files and a folder. The first piece of code is the form page, save as "upform.php".

The script is the second piece of code, save as "uploader.php". save both as .php files with 644 perms. create a folder called "data" with 777 perms in the same dir as the uploader.php script.

Below is the form code, save as upform.php (or whatever)

File to upload:

Below is the script, save as uploader.php:
foreach ($_FILES["pictures"]["error"] as $key => $error) {
if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$tmp_name = $_FILES["pictures"]["tmp_name"][$key];
$name = $_FILES["pictures"]["name"][$key];
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "data/$name");


Restricting forum access to users or newly registered users

This will encourage registrations in forum (phpBB) and that everyone logs on when they visit so you can track who has been there.

In order to do the add the following code in the index.php page of the forum:

Find the "End session management" in the index.php file in forum. Add the following line below it:
// Begin 'Restrict Guest Access' MOD
if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
redirect(append_sid("login.".$phpEx."?redirect=index.".$phpEx, true));
// End 'Restrict Guest Access' MOD

This will redirect to login page of the forum.

The new users requires the register link to register in the forum. For that add the register link in the "login_body.tpl" file. Most probably you can find it in the "templates/subSilver/login_body.tpl" . The template should be the exact one which you are using in the forum. There are many templates such as subSilver, abandon, Galaxian, metalBB, Anubis and ca_artemis.


A fatal error has occurred Could not connect to database for SQL SessionHandler

Horde "A fatal error has occurred Could not connect to database for SQL SessionHandler. Details h
ave been logged for the administrator"

ERROR: (CPanel server) A fatal error has occurred Could not connect to database for SQL SessionHa
ndler. Details have been logged for the administrator.
1. Check the file /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/config/conf.php

2. You can find the following entry in the conf.php
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['password'] = '';
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
$conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';

4. Try to connect the database horde using the following method
#mysql -uhorde -p

You should obtain the "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
'horde'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"

5. grant the privilege to the database using the mysql
mysql> grant all privileges on horde.* to horde@localhost identified by

You can now login into the Horde Webmail now.


Move deleted messages (in webmail) to the trash folder

Aim : Move deleted messages (in webmail) to the trash folder, instead of leaving them (or marking
deleted) in the inbox.

Modify the "value" from 0 to 1 in the pref.php code. The location of the pref.php differs in the control panel.

Cpanel : /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/config/prefs.php (most probably)

Plesk : /etc/psa-horde/horde/prefs.php (Differs according to the setting)
// moving messages to a trash folder instead of just marking
// them as deleted?
// a value of 0 = no, 1 = yes
$_prefs['use_trash'] = array(
'value' => 1,
'locked' => false,
'shared' => false,
'type' => 'checkbox',
'desc' => _("When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of marking them as deleted?")

Note: If this is not present add the above code in the prefs.php to fix this issue. Be careful in handling this, this is serverwide horde setting. Do backup of the file, before editing it.


Perl mail script


# This is a simple script to test sendmail.
# Replace "me" with a from address and "mydom.com" with the #sending domain.
# Replace "you" with a username to send to and "yourdom.com" #with the recipient's domain name.
# Upload this to the public_html folder as mailtest.pl and CHMOD it to 755
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
unless(open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t")) {
print "error.\n";
warn "Error starting sendmail: $!";
print MAIL "From: me\@mydom.com\n";
print MAIL "To: you\@yourdom.com\n";
print MAIL "Subject: test subject\n\n";
print MAIL "Perl Sendmail is working, please check your code.";
close(MAIL) || warn "Error closing mail: $!";
print "Mail sent.\n";



Reseting Plesk admin Password

Reset Plesk’s admin password on windows Server :

Login to windows server via RDP as a administrator, then open command prompt and run following co
mmands :
C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\bin\plesksrvclient.exe (according to plesk location)

cd %plesk_dir%
cd admin\bin

Execute this "plesksrvclient.exe", you will be prompted to enter the new password for your “admin
” plesk user.

You can then log into the plesk interface again and use as normal.

Reset Plesk’s admin password on LInux Server :

Login to Linux server as root, and run following commands :
cd /usr/local/psa/admin/bin
export PSA_PASSWORD='newpassword'
cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow


Cpanel domain name is not showing

Issue: Cpanel of the domain shows :
Welcome yourdomain.com!
[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

The following error occurred while trying to add email account in the domain:
# /scripts/addpop test123@domainName password
Unable to open /var/cpanel/username: Permission denied at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel.pm line 152. Sorry, you do not have access to the domain domainName

Check whether any extra blank line line in the /var/cpanel/cpanel.config

Check the ownership of the file /var/cpanel/users/username
chown cpanel:username /var/cpanel/users/username

This will fix the issue.


Webmail (Horde) sidebar.php is not loading

Issue: The sidebar.php file in the horde webmail is not loading. (ie. It is asking for download)
Check whether the value is "$conf['compress_pages'] = true;" in /usr/share/psa-horde/config/conf.

If it is, then check the log file /var/log/httpd/error_log. This will look like following:
Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes)
Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16 bytes)

Modify the value of post_max_size in the php.ini to 32M. (The default value will be 8M)
post_max_size = 32M

Restart the apache (/etc/init.d/httpd restart)

This will fix the issue.


Gallery admin login issue

Do the following steps to reset the admin login details of the Gallery.
1. Create a file named resetadmin in your /gallery/setup directory.

2. Visit the configuration wizard in your browser

3. Follow the instructions on the page

4. Specify a new password in step 2 of the configuration wizard

The Configuration Wizard will give you a special piece of information, and you will be required to edit the resetadmin file, add the string, save, and refresh your browser. This is a security measure to prove that you are an administrator. The configuration wizard can be obtained using domainname/path_to_gallery/setup/.

Note: During the process you have to chmod .htaccess and config.php in the Gallery to 777. Please change it to 644 after the use)

You can access the Gallery admin page using the username 'admin' and the corresponding entered password .


PleskFatalException error

The Plesk error will look like this
ERROR: PleskFatalException DefPackageMng() constructor failed: defpackagemng failed: Access is denied. (Error code 5) at CreateProcess 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\bin\defpackagemn
g.exe" --get"' at execUtil C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\bin\defpackagemng.exe --get on c:\windows\system3
2\inetsrv(PleskSrvClient::execUtil line 435)
at execute console command --get(vconsoleapp::start line 128)

The solution is to grant full "System" access to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.


ASP - MS Access basic connection

' Test MS Access Connection
' This test can be used on .NET 1.1 and 2.0
' Testing only the connection to the database
' Make sure that the IUSR = Modify on the database

'Dim the variables
Dim dbPath, conObj

dbPath = "c:\accounts\username\wwwroot\sample.mdb"

'create the connection object
set cnn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")

'open connection
cnn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="+ dbPath +""

'This is where you would do stuff with the database

'close the connection and kill the object
Set cnn = Nothing

Test Access

Test MS Access Connection

If you do not see any errors then the connection was successful


You can find out the main FTP user login details from the psa database of the Plesk. Using the following queries you can obtain the main FTP login details of the domain.

This following queries are used for Linux Plesk.
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
mysql> use psa
mysql> select id from domains where name='EnterTheDomainName';
select * from hosting where dom_id='1'\G;

Note: You need to add an extra field for port '-P8306' along with mysql command to connect to the windows mysql. Also you need to exactly specify the mysql password instead of cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow


404 error occurred after login into the forum though pages are there

After login into the forum (phpBB), you will get an error message 404 (page not found though page
s are there.

This issue mainly occurring due to the https redirection instead of http.

Replace the following code in the profile.php, privmsg.php and includes/functions.php
$server_protocol = ( $board_config['cookie_secure'] ) ? 'https://' : 'http://';

$server_protocol = ( $board_config['cookie_secure'] ) ? 'http://' : 'http://';

Don't forget to replace the includes/bbcode.php
$text = preg_replace("#\[img\]((http|ftp|https|ftps)://)([^ \?&=\#\"\n\r\t<]*?(\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|pn
g)))\[/img\]#sie","'[img:$uid]\\1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '\\3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text);

$text = preg_replace("#\[img\]((http|ftp|http|ftps)://)([^ \?&=\#\"\n\r\t<]*?(\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png
)))\[/img\]#sie","'[img:$uid]\\1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '\\3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text);

This will fix the issue.


Grant lock and temp table privilege

To grant the Lock table privilege:
use mysql;
show tables;
update db set Lock_tables_priv='Y' where Db="DatabaseName" and User="DatabaseUsername";
flush privileges;

To grant the Temp table privilege:
use mysql;
show tables;
update db set Create_tmp_table_priv='Y' where Db='DatabaseName' and User="DatabaseUsername";
flush privileges;

Make sure that you had given flush privileges.

Modify the DatabaseUsername and DatabaseName according to the requirement.


Delay in sending mail

add: "-Rt0" to the 'server_args' on file: /etc/xinetd.d/smtp_psa just like :
server_args = -Rt0 /var/qmail/bin/relaylock.....

Then restart xinetd:
# /sbin/service xinetd restart
Under PLESK control panel, go to SERVER -> Services: MAIL
Check this:
Mail Names for POP3/IMAP accounts:
--> Only use of "compound" POP3/IMAP mail accounts names is allowed
(that will force you to use "mailname@domain.ext" as username on email-client's
"server configuration" when checking mail)


Matt's search.cgi script not showing .shtm or .shtml files

The Matt's search.cgi script is showing only the .htm or .html files in the search result. In ord
er to show the results of .shtm and .shtml files, you need to modify the search.cgi script.

Search for the @files in the search.cgi script, it will look like:
@files = ('*.htm','*/*.htm','*/*/*.htm','*.html','*/*.html','*/*/*.html');

Modify it to following:
@files = ('*.htm','*/*.htm','*/*/*.htm','*.html','*/*.html','*/*/*.html','*.shtm','*/*.shtm','*/*/*.shtm',

This will fix the issue.


Unable to send mail using the horde webmail

The error message will look like this:

Check the log message of horde (psa-horde.log). This will be dependant according to the horde set
ting. Here it is /var/log/psa-horde/psa-horde.log :
HORDE [error] [imp] Failed to connect to localhost:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: (code: -1
, response: )] [on line 1070 of "/usr/share/psa-horde/imp/compose.php"]

Check whether the "telnet localhost 25" is connecting in server.

If not then do the following:
cd /etc/xinetd.d/
ln -s smtp_psa smtp
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

It is doesn't fix, then check the /etc/hosts. Check whether "localhost" is preset in it:
# www.NAME www localhost www.NAME


Awstats full year view error

Error will be look like in following way: Full year view has not been allowed from a browser Setu
p ('/home/domain/etc/awstats/awstats.domain.com.conf' file, web server or permissions) may be wron
g. Check config file, permissions and AWStats documentation (in 'docs' directory).
1. Edit "AllowFullYearView" option in the /home/domain/etc/awstats/awstats.domain.com.conf
2. To view the full year, the option should be "AllowFullYearView=3".


Unable to access VPS using default port 4643

The corresponding VPS is unable to access using the http://:4643 is due to the configuration

So to fix this issue:
1. Login into the Main VPS
2. cd /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts
3. Find out the corresponding conf file of VEID (ie. if VEID is 437 then conf file is 437.conf)
4. Find out the entry OFFLINE_MANAGEMENT
5. modify it to OFFLINE_MANAGEMENT="yes"


Run the following command after login into the main VPS.
vzctl set VEID --offline_management=yes --save

(example: vzctl set 353 --offline_management=yes --save)

This will fix the issue.


Fixing & Improving SpamAssassin Performance

The file /etc/sysconfig/spamassassin comes as:
SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -u qmailq -c -H /var/qmail"

where the options are: -d daemon -u run as user... -c create users' preferences files -H work directory...

But it can be improved with: -x (server, don't check users' files) -q (users' prefs stores in sql db) -L (local, don't perform dns checks) -m10 (10 childs)

so, a very fast and light (but not powerful) config would be:
SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -u qmailq -x -L -m5 -H /var/qmail"

It's important to add the -m10 or -m5 flag, because by default SpamAssassin is not limited - it can spawn 1,000 copies if you're not careful (bringing your server to it's knees). So I always limit the number of spamassassin copies that are allowed to run at once.


How to Change the "Welcome to Horde" message at the login page to "Welcome to domainName"

This can be done in the file imp/login.php in the horde. The path will be different. In cpanel it
is /usr/local/cpanel/base/horde/imp/login.php, like that the path veriies according to the horde

Replace the
$title = sprintf(_("Welcome to %s"), $registry->get('name', ($imp_auth) ? 'horde' : null));

$domain = substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 8);
$title = sprintf(_("Welcome to %s"), $registry->get('name', ($imp_auth) ? 'horde' : null) . " - "
. $domain);

This will change it to "Welcome to domainName". The domainName will be replaced by corresponding
domain name.


FTP error 530 Login incorrect

First of all check which FTP is using the Cpanel proftpd or pureftpd

If it is using the proftpd, do the folowing to fix the 530 error
1. First of all try the /scripts/ftpupdate
2. grep /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts (here is the domain username)
3. If it is not present there then grep /etc/proftpd/
4. Check details and cat >> /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts
5. Paste the main ftp account details in this file
6. /scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver

Note: please be careful in doing it. If you have specified cat > /etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts, it w
ill overwrite the whole content.

If it is pureftpd:
Do the above 6 steps
7. Sometimes you need to rum "/usr/sbin/pure-uploadscript -B -r /usr/local/bin/ftpfilter" also


Error : 550-The recipient cannot be verified

While checking the exim_mainlog, you can find the error message like:
H=(nf-out-0910.google.com) [IP] F= rejected RCPT : No
Such User Here

The bounce back error message will look like:
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 550-"The recipient cannot be verified. Please check all recip
ients of this
550 message to verify they are valid.

Please run the following to fix the issue:

Also check the /etc/localdomains file and verify that the domainName is present in it. The "DNS="
line in /var/cpanel/users/userName should contain the domainName.

Note : Replace domainName, userName and emailAccount by corresponding values.


File manager of the domain (Plesk control panel) produced the following error, while accessing it . Internal Plesk error occurred: filemng failed:

File manager of the domain (Plesk control panel) produced the following error, while accessing it
Internal Plesk error occurred: filemng failed: filemng: stat failed

The fix is very simple.

Check the permission of the root directory (/var/www/vhosts/domainName) of the domain (ex.domainN

Modify the permission to 755.

This will fix the issue.


OsCommerce admin area shows BOX HEADING CONFIGURATION instead of Configuration

OsCommerce admin area (osCommerce/catalog/admin) shows the following details, instead of "Configuration" etc

You need to check the following file

The define fields will be commented. Uncomment the define, this will look like:
define('BOX_HEADING_CONFIGURATION', 'Configuration');


FTP not connecting with VE

You need to add rules in the IPtables to enable the FTP port.

Add the following lines in the /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A VZ_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8000:8250 -j ACCEPT
-A VZ_INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 8000:8250 -j ACCEPT
-A VZ_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
-A VZ_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT

service iptables restart

Here the ports 8000, 8250 are the passive ports.

I have done this fix in the Plesk VPS


How to Modify "Changing password on this server" to corresponding name in Horde

If you would like to see "Changing password on domainName" instead of "Changing password on this
server, this can be done by replacing the following line in the backends.php. The path will diffe
r according to the horde setting.
$backends['poppassd'] = array('name' => 'poppasswd server',

$domain = substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 8);
$backends['poppassd'] = array(// 'name' => 'poppasswd server','name' => $domain,

In my case it is /etc/psa-horde/passwd/backends.php


How to change forum administrator username and password

You can modify the login details of the forum admin user using the sql queries. Use the forum dat
abase and update the login details using the following queries.
update phpbb_users set username ='administrator' where username = 'admin';

You can use the URL http://www.invision-graphics.com/md5hash_generator.html to generate the MD5 p
assword encryption
mysql>update phpbb_users set user_password = 'd555ccddb47faf2e13a66c0888cdb72d' where username = 'administrator';

The 'd555ccddb47faf2e13a66c0888cdb72d' is an MD5 encrypted password.


How to modify Blog title of the Word Press

The blog details are mentioned in the database of the word press.

Use the following query to find out the blog name from the database.
mysql> select * from wp_options where option_name="blogname"\G;

It will look like:
*************************** 1. row ***************************
option_id: 2
blog_id: 0
option_name: blogname
option_can_override: Y
option_type: 1
option_value: Jami is a Poet
option_width: 20
option_height: 8
option_description: Blog title
option_admin_level: 1
autoload: yes

You can modify the blog name (or title) to "Jami is an Artist" by:
update wp_options set option_value='Jami is an Artist' where option_name="blogname"

Thats all needed.


Horde fsockopen error

The error message will look like this:

Warning: fsockopen(): php_hostconnect: connect failed in /usr/share/psa-horde/pear/Net/Socket.php on line 108 Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to in /usr/share/psa-horde/pear/Net/Socket.php on line 108

Check whether telnet is connecting to port 25
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart (restart the xinetd)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa restart


Unable to delete filter rule from the cpanel

The deleted filter rule is still displaying in the cpanel "spamfilter option".

On verification you can find that the rule have been deleted from "/etc/vfilters/domainName". But
that filter rule is still displaying in the cpanel.

Check whether any .filter file in the home directory of the domain (/home/username/.filter). Dele
te the corresponding rule entry from the .filter file. This will fix the issue.


How to change the address Qmail send error message (MAILER-DAEMON@hostname)

Plesk administrator's email address is listed in the following files: (By default)

Edit the above files and set the email which you need. The qmail error message of the form MAILER
-DAEMON@hostname will be send to that email id.


Plesk links (such as domains, Clients) are not working - due to session.save path

While clicking the links such "domains","clients" in the Plesk, the following error message will display:
Browser has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

The issue is occurring due to the session.save_path in the php.ini file of plesk.

First check whether the session.save_path is not commented in the plesk php.ini (/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini)

Specify the exact path to session dir in the session.save_path of /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/php.ini.
session.save_path = ""
/etc/init.d/psa restart

Note: Replace the by corresponding value.


Installing packages in VPS

You can install the packages for a prticular VEID using using the following way:
1. Login into the main VPS
2. Verify whether the particular package to be installed is listed in the 'vzpkgls'
"vzpkgls | grep packageName"
3. Install the package using the "vzpkgadd VEID packageName"

example to install the spamassassin for VEID 347
# vzpkgls | grep spamassassin
# vzpkgadd 347 psa-spamassassin-fc4 (psa-spamassassin-fc4 is the corresponding pkg name)


Zip Files being Blocked (Qmail)

Check whether the signatures file existing in the /var/qmail/control/. If this file existing then
check whether any statements in that file.

If there is any content, do the following:
vi /var/qmail/control/signatures
quick easy search and replace with vi using the following (Commenting the line in signatures file

Save and restart qmail it will work fine.


How to Improve default bounce behaviour

By default, Plesk does not handle double-bounces gracefully. To throw away double bounces (the bo
unces that cannot be delivered) using the following :

Find the path of QMAIL_ROOT_D from the /etc/psa/psa.conf

Enter the # in QMAIL_ROOT_D/control/doublebounceto file

(ex.If the QMAIL_ROOT_D is /var/qmail/, then it will be echo "#" > /var/qmail/control/doublebounc

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart


Wordpress admin login issue -due to siteurl

During the wordpress installation, customers set the Site URL as http://www.domainName/wordpress. But in the configuration file (or wordpress folder) it will be "WordPress". Due to this customer can't login wordpress admin using http://www.domaName/WordPress/wp-login.php.

Fix: In that case you need to modify the wordpress database table entry.

Use the word press database and the following update:
select * from wp_options where option_name="siteurl"\G;
update wp_options set option_value="http://www.domainName/WordPress" where option_name="siteurl";

Note: Replace the domainName by corresponding domain name. The wordpress prefix wp_ will change a
ccording to the situation.


How to reset guest book admin password

How to reset guest book admin password

Modify the code according to the requirement. You can do it using the phpMyadmin.
1. Login into the phpMyadmin
2. Use the corresponding guest book database.
3. Run the following query after necessary modification
INSERT INTO `book_auth`
VALUES ( 5, 'admin', PASSWORD( '7iafl6prlazl' ) , 'cd2c6d5e457641991d52da8fb6d87c08', '1013100791
' )
4. You can login guest book admin using the username admin with the corresponding password.

Note: Enter the password inside the PASSWORD(' '); You can enter code or bash commands like this.


Frontpage not connecting though front page extenson reinstalled (APACHE 2)

Though the frontpage extension reinstalled, it is not connecting with front page (Mainly in the a
pache 2)

The apache conf entry for the domain would look like :

SuexecUserGroup username username
suPHP_UserGroup username username

Modify it to the following:

AddHandler x-suphp-cgi .py .pl .cgi .rb
#SuexecUserGroup username username
suPHP_UserGroup username username

Restart the apache.


ASP Script Time Out error

You can increase the time that is allowed to process ASP scripts for a particular Web site. To do
this, change the metabase value in Internet Information Server (IIS):
1. Open Internet Services Manager. (inetmgr)
2. Expand the tree and right-click Default Web Site (or the site that has the problem).
3. Click Properties.
4. Click the Home Directory tab.
5. Under Application Settings, click Configuration.
6. Click the App Options tab.
7. Increase the ASP Script Timeout value to a number high enough to prevent script timeouts.


Manually modifying Counter value in Cpanel

The Cpanel counters are mainly created using the "CGI Center -> Counter" section. This will creat
e the file called userName.dat in the /var/cpanel/Counters/ .

You need to edit the value in the file /var/cpanel/Counters/userName.dat . The value should end with $ .

This will look like as follows (counter value - 12):
# cat /var/cpanel/Counters/userName.dat

Note: Replace the userName by corresponding username of the domain.


How to enable Awstats "update now" button

How to enable Awstats "update now" button

Do the following steps to enable the "update now" button in the awstats.
cd /home/userName/tmp/awstats/

You need to edit the domain awstats conf (awstats.domainName.conf) file:

Search for the "AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser", assign the value 1 and save the conf file. (The d
efault value of AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser will be 0)

Refresh your statistics page

Note: Modify the domainName and userName by corresponding name.


Checking Mysql queries User had opened

You can run the following to obatin how many mysql queries a user has open:
mysqladmin pr | awk -F\| {'print $3'} | sort -nk1 | awk -F_ {'print $1'} |uniq -c |sort

Run the following to check the database with the most queries:
mysqladmin pr | awk -F\| {'print $5'} | sort -nk1 |uniq -c |sort


Unable to sent multiple copy of email using Oscommerce (checkout)

It is possible for multiple users to receive a copy of the order email by entering the email addr
ess is the following field in the general configuration section.

The field "SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO" is maily used to send multiple copies.

Check whether the following code is present in file checkout_process.php. If it is not present ad
d the following:
// send emails to other people
$insert_id, $email_order, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_

This will fix the issue.


Gnatt chart- JpGraph locale Error

You need to edit the file: jpgraph.php (Most probably path will be lib/jpgraph/src/jpgraph/jpgraph.php)

Modify the following code in jpgraph.php
$res = @setlocale(LC_TIME, $aLocale);

and change it to:
$res = @setlocale(LC_TIME, "pt_BR"); //Put the corresponding locale. Here it is "pt_BR".

You can find the locale details using the code:
system('locale -a'); // for all locales


How to create login for VZPP (Virtuzzo Power Panel)

You can create the login details for the VZPP (Virtuzzo Power Panel) using the following command.

vzctl set VEID --save --userpasswd Username:NEWPASSWORD

(example: vzctl set 347 --save --userpasswd username:mypass)

You can login into the VZPP (https://IP:4643) using the corresponding Username and NEWPASSWORD.


How to change default MySQL database character set and collation

First of all check the different character set available using MySQL command:
mysql> show character set;

You can change the character set and collation of a database by using the following MySQL command

Modify the , , as per the requirement.


PhpMyAdmin Error: No input file specified

This issue is occurring due to the incorrect ownership of the phpMyAdmin. The ownership of the phpMyAdmin must be cpanel (both user and group)

chown -R cpanel:cpanel /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin

This will fix the phpMyAdmin issue.


FileManager Produces error while uploading the file

FileManager Produces error while uploading the file

If you are trying to upload the file using the File manger in the CPanel, the following error wil
l occur: "Virus Detected; File not Uploaded! (lstat() failed. ERROR)"


1. Comment the line "User clamav" in the /etc/clamd.conf

2. Restart the clamd using "/etc/rc.d/init.d/clamd restart"

This will fix the issue.


How to add favicon.ico

A favicon (short for "favorites icon"), also known as a page icon, is an icon associated with a p
articular website or webpage. Browsers that support favicons may display them in the browser's UR
L bar, next to the site's name in lists of bookmarks, and next to the page's title in a tabbed do
cument interface.
1. Upload the favicon.ico in the public_html directoy
2. Add the following code under the "title" tag


Test ASPX code

Modify the test aspx code according to the requirement:

Testing ASP.NET Page


The time is now:


Changing the page title for the login screen

You can change the title for the control panel login screen.
cd /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/javascript
cp common.js common.js.orig

open common.js with your text editor and at the top of the page add this:
document.title = '**WHAT EVER YOU WANT**';

Save the file, browse to your control panel and the browsers title bar should now reflect what yo
u wanted for the title.


How to check real path function enabled in the server

The realpath function returns canonicalized absolute pathname.
echo realpath('./../../etc/passwd');

It will produce the output "/etc/passwd"

The CMS software such as e107 requires the realpath function. e107 will not support hosts that di
sable the realpath() function.


FTP timeout error, while uploading the file

If you have obtained the follwoing error while uploading the file:

227 Entering Passive Mode (66,235,217,102,241,77). ftp: connect: Connection timed out

You can enter code or bash commands like this
1. Find the proftpd.conf for cpanel ( pureftpd.conf for vDeck)
2. Add "PassivePorts 8000 8250" somewhere after the "#" section of /etc/proftpd.conf
or somewhere after the "#" section of /etc/proftpd.conf


Horde Error when logging in ( Warning: fopen(/tmp/horde NUMBER.log): failed to ope n stream: Permission denied )

The most common reasons for this error are the following.

1. /tmp has wrong permissions(chmod 777 /tmp) 2. /tmp/horde_12345.log is not owned by the proper user/group (chown cpanel.cpanel /tmp/horde_12345.log) 3. /tmp/horde_12345.log has the wrong permissions (chmod 0644 /tmp/horde_12345.log)

Do the following to fix the above common problems... (as root)
chmod 777 /tmp
chown cpanel.cpanel /tmp/horde_12345.log
chmod 0644 /tmp/horde_12345.log

Note: Replace horde_12345.log by corresponding '.log'file.


Webmail on Windows not loading and eventually timing out

Please check to make sure that IIS for webmail is set to parse PHP pages in CGI mode as it will n
ot work with PHP in ISAPI mode.

To verify PHP is running in CGI for webmail go to:
IIS Manager -> Websites -> webmail -> properties.

Select the home directory tab -> Configuration -> Application mappings, ensure that the extension
.php is being handled by the executable version of PHP which is in
"C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\Additional\Php\php.exe"


Horde webmail shows "Registry objects should never be cloned" error

The Horde webmail shows the following error when we access it using the webmail.domainname
" Registry objects should never be cloned"

In order to fix the horde issue do the following:
Check the field zend.ze1_compatibility_mode in the php.ini
Modify it to zend.ze1_compatibility_mode = Off
Restart the apache


Phpbb email.php error

Phpbb email.php error
The problem is actually on phpBB's side and is really just with the coding.

Here is the fix.
go to the phpBB/language/lang_english/email/ within your site.

edit the file privmsg_notify.tpl and replace everything with this Text:

Subject: New Private Message has arrived
Charset: iso-8859-1

You have a new message at: {U_INBOX}

This will fix the issue.

The exact location of the emailer.php is phpbb/includes/emailer.php.


Hiding folders to avoid deletion via FTP

You can Hide the "tmp, usr, lib, var" folders using the conf file (when logging in via ftp), so users dont try to delete them.

If it is proftpd, find out the proftpd.conf

Add the following to the proftpd.conf file:

HideGroup wheel

HideNoAccess yes

Enter the directory path near to "", like "docs/folder>"

After modification, restart the FTP .


Error Cannot exec 'spammng'

Error Cannot exec 'spammng'

The error will look like "Cannot exec 'spammng......'":

cd /usr/local/psa/admin/bin
rm spammng
(make sure spammng is not present)

then create the symlink
ln -s ../sbin/wrapper spammng

Use the listing command to make sure the symlink is correct.
ls -la spammng


Enlarging image on single click

Enlarging image on single click

You can enlarge the picture by adding following script in the body part of the html page

Note: Single click and Double click on the picture will determine the action.


FTP Connection Speed Tuning

Initially FTP connections might be extremely slow.

Create a proftpd.include2 with the following details:
IdentLookups off
UseReverseDNS off
Quotas on
AllowStoreRestart on
AllowRetrieveRestart on
TimeoutIdle 1800

Enter the following line in the proftpd.conf
Include /etc/proftpd.include2

Restart the FTP.

Note: I had done this fix on VPS Plesk


Windows Plesk webmail shows 404 error

Check whether the domain contains webmail virtual directory with " A directory located on this computer" as "C:\Inetpub\vhosts\webmail\horde"

If it is existing do the following to fix the issue.

cd %plesk_bin%
websrvmng.exe --reconfigure-webmail
defpackagemng.exe --fix --type=webmail

This will fix te issue.


Fatal error occurred, while accessing the OsCommerce admin

Fatal error occurred, while accessing the OsCommerce admin

If the error "Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in ..../catalog/admin/includes/classes/upload.php on line 31" occurred while accessing the OsCommerce admin area, you need to modify the upload.php to the following:

// self destruct
//$this = null;

This will fix the issue.


Installation of cpanel in the server

cPanel now uses a universal install script which can be found at http://layer1.cpanel.net/. You can use the following commands in the root shell to download and start the installation script:

mkdir /home/cpins
cd /home/cpins
wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/latest
sh latest


Delay when connecting to FTP

If there is any delay in connecting the Plesk FTP, edit your proftpd.conf (somewhere above the automatic Plesk comment warn you)
UseReverseDNS off
IdentLookups off
restart using /sbin/service xinetd restart


Plesk login looping

When visiting https://domainorip:8443 you are redirected to the login page infinitely.

Reason: 'undefined variable PHP_SELF' that isn't passed while register globals is off.

Edit the php.ini and modify register_globals = On.

I did this fix on VPS Plesk.


Setting Google site map generator script for domain

You can setup the Google sitemap generator script in the domain using the help of following URL:

The config.xml file should be edited according to the need of the customer domain. All steps are
specified in the URL. The python version should be 2.2 or above.


Virtuzzo - Unable to enable sendmail in Virtuzzo - Plesk

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Unable to enable sendmail in Virtuzzo - Plesk


Unable to enable the sendmail using "Virtuzzo -> system services -> xinetd (tab) -> sendmail" sec


This is mainly occurring due to one entry in the sendmail file (which is used by the VPS)

Check the file /etc/xinetd.d/sendmail file. It will look like following:
service smtp
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
group = root
server = /usr/sbin/sendmail
server_args = -bs -Am
nice = 5
instances = 10

Modify it to :
service smtp
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
group = root
server = /usr/sbin/sendmail
server_args = -bs -Am
nice = 5
instances = 10

restart the xinetd using:
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Verify the sendmail status using "Virtuzzo -> system services -> xinetd (tab) -> sendmail". You c
an see that the status of sendmail now changed to enabled.


Cpanel- How can we solve the problem "Unable to login FAQMasterFlex admin area" ?

How can we solve the problem "Unable to login FAQMasterFlex admin area" ?

This might be due to 'register globals =off'. Because of that, the server variables must be expli
citly pulled into the script in order for the authentication to work. Add the following two state
ments to admin_authorize.php, just above the "if" statement that tests their values:


test blog entry

test blog entry