How to Deploy Zimlet in Zimbra

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Zimbra mail server binaries are located in the location /opt/zimbra/bin. The binary /opt/zimbra/bin/zmzimletctl will help you in implementing or deploying new zimlet.

Zimlet is mainly Integrating the Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) with third party information systems and content as well as creating "mash-up" user interfaces within the Zimbra suite itself.

Try the following option to list the deplyed Zimlet:

/opt/zimbra/bin/zmzimletctl listZimlets

The deployed zimlets are usually located in the section /opt/zimbra/zimlets. It will be like com_zimbra_email.zip.

The extra zimlets are located in /opt/zimbra/zimlets-extra/ and /opt/zimbra/zimlets-admin-extra/.

The /opt/zimbra/zimlets-admin-extra/ is mainly used to deploy the functions in Admin - interface and other one (/opt/zimbra/zimlets-extra/) is for Client (webmail) part.

If you want to deploy the Amazone - Zimlet, do the following:

cd /opt/zimbra/zimlets-extra/
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmzimletctl deploy com_zimbra_amzn.zip
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmzimletctl listZimlets

You can also deploy the same using Admin-Zimbra interface.

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